Welcome to
The Minnesota Dairy Goat Association
The Minnesota Dairy Goat Association promotes and develops every phase of the dairy goat industry, including but not limited to breeding programs, public recognition of products related to dairy goats, aiding goat showing at fairs, and aiding 4-H programs relating to dairy goats.
Our official publication is the Gopher Goat Gossip, which is filled with useful goat information and is distributed by mail, email and online.
Our Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary/Director and six Directors. MDGA Committees include Show, Publicity, Education, Youth, By-Laws & Policies, Development and History.
Our Consitution and By-Laws are periodically reviewed and proposed changes are voted on by the members.
We encourage all goat enthusiasts in Minnesota and surrounding states to join the MDGA to learn, make friends and support the goat industry.